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以下準則闡明了確保G驅動發動機應用于交流發電機組的正確使用規范。G驅動發動機并不是為 變速的直流發電機組而設計的,也不是作為直流發電機組的動力來使用。

一、備用功率標定 是在市電出現異常時作 為應急電源使用時的瞬時最大功率。 該標定無超負荷能力。且不能與市電 并網運行。
。備用功率標定的發動 機按平均負荷率為80% 來使用,一年不超過 200小時。在備用功率 點使用時每年不超過25 小時。備用功率標定的 發動機只能在斷電時作 為應急電源使用。電網 預先通知的斷電不屬于 應急電源使用范疇。
可以恒定按100%標定負荷、無時限 連續使用的功率。按此標定的發動 機無超負荷能力。

二、常用功率標定是可以替代商業電網電 力來使用的功率。常用功率必須按下 列兩種類型之一來使用。

按常用功率標定的發動機,可有效 地變負荷無時限使用。在每250小 時的運行周期內,可變負荷的均值

一年內,100%常用功率的整個運 行時間不超過500小時。
在12小時運行周期內,有1小時有 效超負荷10%的能力。在一年內, 超負荷10%運行的整個時間不超過

按常用功率標定的發動機,可以無 時限運行于不變負荷用途。諸如使 用功率低而輸出功率受限的場合。 在功率決不會超過常用功率標定的 前提下,每年內可與市電并網運行 750小時。但長期高負荷運行將縮 短發動機壽命。一年內并網運行超 過750小時時,請按持續功率標定 運行。

 參考標準: 以ISO-3046為基礎的BS-5514和DIN-6271標準。
環境溫度和海拔變化后的修正: 發動機可以在下面的條件下運行,而功率不必進行調整:
轉速為1800r/min的發動機,海拔高度低于1500m (5000ft),環境溫度低于40 ℃(104°F)。
轉速為1500r/min的發動機,海拔高度低于1000m (3300ft),環境溫度低于40 ℃(104°F)。

發動機超出上述條件運行,海拔高度高于1525m (5000ft)時,每升高300m (1000ft),功率下調4%;環境溫度高于40℃(104°F)時,每升高11℃,功率下調2%


These guidelines have been foumulated to ensure proper application of generator drive engines in A.C. generator set installations. Generator drive engines are not designed for and shall not be used in variable speed D.C. generator set appliacatio 
STANDBY POWER RATING is appliable for supplying emergency power for the duration of the utility power outage. No overload capability is available for this rating. Under no condition is an engine allowed to operate in parallel with the public utility at the
standby Power rating. This rating should
be applied where reliable utility power is available. A standby rated engine should be sized for a maximum of an 80% average load factor and 200 hours of operation per year. This includes less than 25 hours per year at the Standby Power rating. Standby ratings should never be applied except in true emergency power outages.
Applicable for supplying utility power at a constant 100% load for an unlimited number of hours per year. No overload capability is available for this
PRIME POWER RATING is applicable for supplying electric power in lieu of commercially purchased power. Prime Power applications must be in the form of one of the following two
Prime Power is available for an unli- mited number of hours per year in a variable load application. Variable load shouled not exceed a 70% average of period of 250 hours.
The total operating time at 100% Prime Power shall not exceed 500 hours per year.
A 10% overload capablility is available for aperiod of 1 hour within a 12 hour period of operation. Total operating time
Prime Power is available for a limited number of hours in a non-variable load application. It is intended for use in situations where power outages are contracted, such as in utility power curtailment. Engines may be operated in parallel to the public utility up to 750 hours per year at power levels never to exceed the Prime Power rating. The customer should be aware, however, theat the life of any engine will be reduced by this constant high load operation. Any operation exceeding 750 hours


Reference Standards:
BS-5514 and DIN-6271 standards are based on ISO-3046.
Operation At Elevated Temperatrue And Altitude:
The engine may be operated at:
1800RPM up to 5,000 ft.(1500m) and 104°F (40℃) without power
1500RPM up to 3,300 ft.(1000m) and 104°F (40℃) without power
For sustained operation above these conditions, derate by 4% per 1,000ft. (300m), and 1% per 10°F (2% per 11℃).



以上所有的數據都是基于ISO 3046標準參考的條件—海拔110m(361ft),大氣壓力100kPa(29.53inHg),進氣溫度25℃ (77°F),相對濕度30%,使用標準No.2號柴油或符合ASTM D975的柴油。
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  • +86-755-84065367 84214948

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  • 網址:http://www.dhgif.com

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